The Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team – Education Sessions
For further information or to register for any of the below listed sessions please contact
Bernadette Matthews ph 5320 3553 or email
Palliative Care Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy – twilight education session
Monday 1 July 2013, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Education Resource Centre, BBH, Ballarat Health Services, Drummond Street, North Ballarat
Registration: by 26 June, $15.00 (video link also available $10.00pp)
Aged Care and Palliative Care – study day
Topics will include: the ageing process, the impact of medications, pain management in the elderly, the palliative approach vs complex palliative care, agitation and delirium
Tuesday 20 August 2013, 9.00am–4.00pm, Grains Innovation Park, 110 Natimuk Road, Horsham Registration: by 6 August $70
Eliciting and Responding to Emotional Cues
This workshop is for health professionals with a responsibility for clinical care to further develop communication skills, using the Victorian Cancer Council Communication Program Toolkit.
Wednesday 21 August 2013, 12.30pm lunch, 1.00pm – 5.00pm workshop
Seminar Room 1, Education Resource Centre, Queen Elizabeth Centre, Ballarat Health Services, 102 Ascot Street, South Ballarat, Registration by 7 August, $20 (places limited)